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Jerrycurl is available on NuGet and the Visual Studio Marketplace.


To create your first Jerrycurl project, simply install the VSIX, select the Jerrycurl Library template and follow the instructions on the screen.

On the main screen simply start by selecting your vendor (see Supported Vendors) and entering the connection string of your database.

-- image here

After creating your project, you will see a common MVC-like structure:

|- Accessors/
|- Commands/
|- Queries/
|- CoreDomain.cs
|- Database.orm

This will create a library with a well known MVC structure consisting of:

  • Models (classes representing input/output data for your SQL)
  • Commands (Razor SQL code that writes to your database)
  • Queries (Razor SQL code that reads from your database)
  • Accessors (binding Razor SQL with models)


In a Jerrycurl project, the model of your database is handled by a special file with the .orm extension. This is a simple JSON configuration file which contains